NINTEDNO Galaxy console: Yami's Quesyt

There was oce a console. made by Nintedni it was called Galaxy. It wasn't never released, but a few consoles had been found.
olny 5 gamees had Ben found s well, lookibg like a mix between 3ds and 64 cartridgised. They were only 5 and had been written
on with maeker. The titles were simply "Zelda." "Mario" "Pocket Monsters" "Sanic" "Animal Crossing" and "Yami's quest."
One day i found the games and consol in a dumptstr by a big building. I took it home, finding that it took gamecube controlers
and cords. I pugged everthing in, and grapped a cartidge. after a few tests., I found taht Mario Animal crossing Pokemo and Sanic
wouldnt ever boot up, but wehn they did all it said was Nintendo Galazy and had a voice saying Nintedno, folowed by a high pitched
shrieked, sonding 8 bit ishj but 64 bit ish. 
i popped in Zelda. it playd as normal, Ypou had to save Zelda, but the game woukd end at random, being a bit buggied. Eventually i
p;ugged in Yuri's quest. it haf beautiful music and it looked amazing. i plugged it in and began playing, there was a male memale 
option, Male was Yuri and Yami was the female. Even thogh i was female, i chose Yuri, as he looked cooler. He was wearing black and
red and purple, and his eyes were reddish. He had very pale skin and white hair, and has a hood over his head. He was Albino and looked
awesome but that was just MY OPINION. I could name him, and named him  at the name select screen; Shirubā. It ment Silver in japanese. 
the shriek played for .45 seconds. I played for days, completing the quest. You had to save the world from a shadowy-creature who would 
possess people. (This isnt exactly how it goes. If it is ever remade i want you to play it without knowing everything.) Months had passed, 
and i had found it geting dusty and wnate to plat it. i popped the disk in and a higher pitched shriek that lasted 9 seconds blasted asn i griped 
my head.
a voice came out of the game
"Helloooooo~" it rand. It sounded male ish. 
isloookd up and saw shoedeowy figure was on the screen but  couldnt  make the face out. "Ive been whating for you, Shirubā." it said. "too bad things
have changed;. It chuckled evily, its grin and eyes appearing on the screen, its eyes glowing red and its teeth stained with hyper realistic blood.
the controller zapped my hand and i shrieks at the pain. the voice laughed and hummed a dark and eeriee tune. i lood up and saw the worled much different
than it was the last time i playd it,! the grass was dead and patched of dirt had been tuned up,. thee trees where blackened and twisted. and some where 
burned, and all of them leafless. the sky was brownish oange and had blod red clouds that would rain blood if a rock (which they were everyehre) was thrown
at them. in all the populated erareas people were rotting and  some pices their flesh whas ripped clean off, People had hungthemselves and there was hyper-
realistic blood everywhere. the music was just what the guy had hummed but orchestrated. a sign was left alone, writeen in blod. it said "Help us."
Shirubā came up to me which i thought was odd as i was Shirubā, but he had glowing red eyes and an unatural grin. whispers surrounded me outside the game,
and he laughed. "They tried killing me because they thought I was a demon. I Killed them. I killed them all. And you helped me." He said. the high pitched 
shriek played again, and the game crashed, the console staring to smoke, the smoke was brown, black, and blood red. the voices around me whisperd "help us Alex"
Help us. 
that night, images of my character, Yuri, Shirubā, whatever he was called, killing everyone in the game, even my friend who was murdered a year ago, flased in my sleep.
while the voices shrieked "Help us Alex. Help us. Why did youl let them kill us?"